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Still under renovation

A Baffling Encounter with the Abyss

The day passed on dully, banal and indistinct, just another 24 hours put to waste in blind subservience to the TV. Little did I know that the night would stand in stark contrast to the monotony of daylight.

Somewhere around 5:00 a.m., Sunday:

I was still quite deep in slumber, though I was already beginning to arise from the dream world, when I heard a faint beep. The sound grew louder; it became persistent and piercing to the ears. I opened my eyes slightly then, it happened.

My vision began to cloud until I lost sight and was blanketed in darkness, even though the first rays of the sun were already seeping through the window. Then I became deaf, as if someone has muted the sounds of the world. I started to feel this icy chill crawl slowly over my body, I can feel numbness spreading from my hands and feet toward my body. I tried to scream and shout for help, but I could only flick my tongue at teeth held shut by a jaw no longer mine, or at least no longer under my control. I felt my hand move and bend into twisted contortions. I felt a pang of sickening fear and I started praying because I heard heavy breathing behind me, followed by occasional grunts as I tried to control my hands. Suddenly, I felt like as if I was being pushed away, away from my body. I felt a sudden drop in temperature and felt more and more of my body becoming numb. Then finally, I “slipped” out of my body. But abruptly I was yanked back and the next thing I knew my eyes were wide open and I was breathing heavily, soaked in sweat.

I quickly turned around in bed to look for the source of the grunts I heard earlier, but the THING, whatever it was, was nowhere to be found. I just left my room and continued sleeping at the other room.


I’m not sure if it was a dream or not, but it felt real enough for me to take caution. Last night, I slept again at another room, not so much out of being scared shitless, but I was afraid that if I ever had a visit from that THING again, I might never be able to wake up.

thrown by A.Paul @ 20:53, ,

New National Hero? (",)

I reckon they are planning to replace the P1? Hahaha....
Or perhaps a foolish ploy by the Arroyo government to use Manny's charisma?
This is such food for thought....

thrown by A.Paul @ 05:51, ,

A (perverse?) fascination for Money Pakyaw

You know you've made it big when your whole life is a business venture in itself. Therefore, before anything, I would like to congratulate Manny Pacquiao, not only for his astonishing victory over Larios, but also for his victory in conquering the Philippines and creating a whole new market, the business of, as a lot of my friends say, Money Pakyaw.

Well, Manny is not only a brawny fighter, but I also find him to be quite a wise guy. At least he realizes that his fame won't last long, and decided to make a run for our money, through the countless TV ads he has acquired. Or maybe he was just blinded by the ginormous sums of money offered to him by these companies. But he doesn't stop at that, look at those friggin shorts, a compressed miniature compilation of all those big highway billboard ads, all of which are quite annoying, not to mention distracting (it's hard to focus on Manny's punches when suddenly you catch a glimpse of the Mickey D sign on his shorts).

So what is it with our rather perverse fascination with this boxer? As a foreigner once put it, Manny is our Philippine Superbowl, the World Cup, the Olympics, and the NBA championships all rolled into a neat all-around package. It's hard to deny that Manny is quite charismatic in his own way, and me and my friends best remember him for this in his McDo ad with that catchy line: "PaparaPacquiao!". And of course it always is refreshing to hear ,amidst all the depressing news of government injustice and various other problems, the news of a Filipino boxer beating his opponent to pulp.

But is this still so? The president has already realized how much publicity Manny can produce and is riding the waves of Manny's popularity for her own purposes. Even more obvious, as I mentioned before, is the exploitation of Manny by the mass media, most notably the fugly ABS-CBN. True, I look at Manny as maybe the appropriate epitome of the Filipino spirit, courageous and unwavering. But lately, with all the media frenzy, the meaning of what Manny stood for has been trivialized and is being wastefully transformed into yet another media shibboleth.

thrown by A.Paul @ 15:05, ,