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Still under renovation

And Karma strikes yet again...

So, this weekend was just my average typical weekend. When I say typical, I mean telling myself in the morning that I'll do some serious number crunching and book burning, but engage in some warm-up activities first, like stumbling across the net or playing some games. But the problem is, I often end up stuck in these "warm-up" activities until I realize that 10 hours have past and by then it's too late to cram. It happens quite a lot to me this past sem, so I've gotten fairly used to cramming. This week however, was different, because I'll be having another Bio exam this Monday, so I've set the whole weekend to be my review session.

Now, to give you an idea of how bullsh*t Bio 11 is, picture this: you're exempted so long as you pass all 8 exams, but the catch is, each exam can already be considered as a final exam due to its coverage (minimum of 300 pages, but that's only in the lecture part, mind you). So, I normally review at least a week before the exam, but then this time, I only get 3 days to review due to my hectic schedule.

I woke up that morning intending to review the whole day, but before that, I said, why don't I play a short game first. So I started a game in Max Payne, telling myself: "It's only for just an hour, how can that hurt my study schedule?". Nine hours later and I'm still there, until I decided I've had enough and that it's time to hit the books.

But just as when I turned the pages of the book to study, the lights and the fan suddenly went out. Great, I thought, blackout... How convenient... But I proceeded on studying by candlelight, and decided I'll just read two chapters for tonight before going to bed. After finishing a chapter, I felt a bit queasy so I decided to take a few minutes off to rest at the sofa. And the second I hit the pillows, the light suddenly flickers and the fan roars back into life. I thought: Sheesh, someone's playing a prank on me...

Luckily, I was able to finish cramming despite of that, and now I'm just glad that exam's over. And Yatta! I got exempted in chem!

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thrown by A.Paul @ 23:18,


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