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Still under renovation


I know, I haven’t posted anything more than your average crap for more than two months now, and this isn’t any better. In fact I think this one would stink more than all the garbage I’ve ever thrown in here, but that’s the whole point of creating this “blog” in the first place isn’t it? Right? Or is it?

It’s been over a year since I started this dump, and I’ve been wondering why exactly I started this dump, or to be more precise, why I pushed through stinking up this place with all sorts of sh*t, and why I should continue doing so for another 365.5 days.

This is the primary reason why I’ve been so silent these past few weeks. In the middle of typing and deleting what I typed, trying futilely to overcome the first few sentences of writer’s block. Staring at that damned blinking cursor, it was as if the cursor was mocking me, laughing maniacally every time I hit backspace to land back to square one. In the midst of all this mental turmoil, I begin to ask myself what exactly is the point of writing all my gibberish? And when I’ve finally convinced myself somehow that I should carry on, I’ve already forgotten what I was writing about. That’s what has been happening for the last 6 months. An idea starts to burn in my head, but then the blank paper wins over my pen, and the idea ends up as brainfart, stinking up my mind for a few measly seconds until a breeze comes along and wipes out that stench.

It’s the worst feeling a writer, or any person for that matter, could possibly experience, getting a glimpse of something which you can never have. A moment of being temporarily uplifted by something or someone only to find out that it was just to elevate you just enough to bring you down.


thrown by A.Paul @ 12:34,


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