A Baffling Encounter with the Abyss
Monday, July 31
Somewhere around
I was still quite deep in slumber, though I was already beginning to arise from the dream world, when I heard a faint beep. The sound grew louder; it became persistent and piercing to the ears. I opened my eyes slightly then, it happened.
My vision began to cloud until I lost sight and was blanketed in darkness, even though the first rays of the sun were already seeping through the window. Then I became deaf, as if someone has muted the sounds of the world. I started to feel this icy chill crawl slowly over my body, I can feel numbness spreading from my hands and feet toward my body. I tried to scream and shout for help, but I could only flick my tongue at teeth held shut by a jaw no longer mine, or at least no longer under my control. I felt my hand move and bend into twisted contortions. I felt a pang of sickening fear and I started praying because I heard heavy breathing behind me, followed by occasional grunts as I tried to control my hands. Suddenly, I felt like as if I was being pushed away, away from my body. I felt a sudden drop in temperature and felt more and more of my body becoming numb. Then finally, I “slipped” out of my body. But abruptly I was yanked back and the next thing I knew my eyes were wide open and I was breathing heavily, soaked in sweat.
I quickly turned around in bed to look for the source of the grunts I heard earlier, but the THING, whatever it was, was nowhere to be found. I just left my room and continued sleeping at the other room.
I’m not sure if it was a dream or not, but it felt real enough for me to take caution. Last night, I slept again at another room, not so much out of being scared shitless, but I was afraid that if I ever had a visit from that THING again, I might never be able to wake up.
thrown by A.Paul @ 20:53,