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Still under renovation

Codename: Longhorn

Finally, after two weeks of struggling through hell everyday without my notebook, I finally got it back a week ago. But to my disappointment, HP's service centers here in the Philippines still don't have a copy of Vista, so I had to settle with downgrading my system to XP's Media Center Edition for the meantime, which is really irritating, since I've been running Vista for over a month already and I was just getting the hang of it when my laptop crashed.

I won't go into the details of why I like Vista or why I don't like it (I'm sure there's a gazillion of articles covering that online), suffice it to say that Vista's just loaded not only with Eye Candy, but as expected packed with a lot of other features that make it easier to tweak around with your system:
1. Aero Graphics System: transparent windows and that cool flipping of windows by pressing the windows+tab, works
just like alt+tab but a hell lot cooler.
2. Windows Sidebar, I first thought this is another one of Microsoft's crappy ideas, but there's a multiverse of widgets, or as Windows wierdly terms them as Gadgets, available in Microsoft Gallery that you can download, and it's not just eyecandy, there's quite a lot of functional and fun stuff as well, such as a usage meter for dual core systems, and a terror alert level meter for, well, uhm... fun.
3. Easier search: In Vista, you can search directly from any window, and the results come out blazing fast, thanks to indexing(I think, think of it as an integrated Google Desktop). The same can be done in the start menu, now you no longer have to rummage through a mess of menus and buttons, just type it in the start menu, and the program or shortcut you're looking for is instantly displayed, provided it's in the start menu.

I do believe that Microsoft is quite crappy, but damn, I miss Vista...


thrown by A.Paul @ 14:41, ,


I'm a packet of dark chocolate...

................................. and I have a rich brown color
................................. and my lavish exterior masks something dark
................................. and I'm not sweet, mushy, or any of that crap

................................. and I'm just so bitter...


thrown by A.Paul @ 00:29, ,