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Still under renovation


So, this garbage has been reeking for a year now, congrats to no one and everyone.... And what better way to celebrate and commemorate the occasion than to repeat, or rather surpass, last year's self-proclaimed world record of 5 hours doing nothing but pondering about the mess I call my life. I'm very proud (or shouldn't I?) that this year, I've broken my record by just sitting in one place doing nothing for 6, I repeat six, hours.

Morning found me confused and shaken, thinking whether or not I'm really awake, because every time someone calls out to wake me up for breakfast, I'm sure I stand right up and perform my morning rituals. But about in the middle of taking a shower, I suddenly find myself exhumed from the depths of slumber, turns out that it was just a dream and I'm actually still lying prostrate in my bed. And when I finally got up in reality, I droned on only to end up in cottage on a resort/water amusement park. I've no intention yet of working up a tan, or to be more appropriate a rosy black sunburn, so I decided to be completely geeky; just stay in the shade and review at the last minute for my math exams. Two hours passed and I finally finished studying, and in the next few hours my mind wandered far enough to remember that it's actually this Dump's birthday. I looked back and asked myself: "What has happened within a year of playing with trash?" "Has anything changed in this extremely stoic person(except in outbreaks of paroxysm)?".

A year has passed and looking back, there hasn't been much progress, only the illusion of progress. Answering the questions facing me only led to more questions. And with each passing day, I feel less and less myself, bits and parts of me are flying high in the air ending up as a part of this dump. But what is the self? Nothing but a transfiguring blob evolving and devolving at a moment's notice. Given this, would I still continue and push on with dumping here? Probably, there's no such thing as a hiatus with this Dump anyway, there are no butts to kiss, just a mirror to talk to.

A year of lurking in all this filth, do I feel disgusted? Not even the slightest. After all, one man's trash is another man's treasure, it's all just a matter of perspective.

Happy Birthday, ye olde bastard!


thrown by A.Paul @ 20:54,


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