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Still under renovation

4 8 15 16 23 42

Another supposedly eon of vacation is blissfully coming to an end, a period which I promised myself to waste productively (pun once more intended). So, what have I done with my almost three weeks of vacation? Well, apart from being glued to the couch and occasionally lifting a finger or two around the house, I spent most of my time... forgetting. I think I must have had a dozen epiphanies over the course of three weeks, but as quickly as they had come they were gone. But, oh well...

But I am proud to announce that I have successfully expanded my knowledge of a matter crucial to the survival of humankind, a matter of utmost importance to that thin thread between life and death, and ulimately a matter concerning the meaning of life: LOST. So here are the few tidbits that I scrapped thanks to watching the two seasons continously over the course of a week and looking up stuff in Wikipedia.

1. The Dharma in "The DHARMA Initiative" stands for Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications.

2. The Dharma Initiative was the brainchaild of Karen and Gerald DeGroot, doctoral candidates from the University of Michigan and was created to alter any of the six factors of the "Valenzetti Equation", a mathematical formula created by a fictional mathematician of the same name predicting the date that the human race will destroy itself. The six factors in this equation are represented by, guess what, the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42.

3. Alvar Hanso, founder of the Hanso foundation and benefactor of the Dharma Initiative, was originally an arms dealer in WWII and is speculated to be missing

4. The man who introduces himself as Dr. Marvin Candle in the orientation film for The Swan station does not move his left arm throughout the whole film and it has been confirmed that the arm was a prosthetic. However, in the orientation film for the The Pearl Station, he identifies himself as Mark Wickmund, with both arms intact. (So, does this mean that the film for The Pearl station was shot before the film for The Swan station, and the incident mentioned in The Swan station film could have led to the loss of the man's left arm, does this mean that the joke is really on the dudes in The Pearl and The Swan station really has a function on preventing a global catastrophe? But then maybe the arm just grew miraculously back because of the incident, just as John Locke suddenly was "healed" from his four year old paralysis after crashlanding on the island.)

5. The Island (note: not official, fan speculation only based on evidences noted in throughout the show) is said to be located somewhere near Indonesia, North East off the coast of one of its major islands, Jakarta, I think.

Damn... I really love this show. Wonder when they're gonna air the third season on local cable, so far, there are only six episodes aired in the US, with the rest premiering somewhere around February next year. Anyway, more detailed info avaiable in Wikipedia and also in

thrown by A.Paul @ 01:05,


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