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Still under renovation

Oblation Sentiments

I’ve never taken Justice Undersecretary (a title I doubt if he really deserves) Raul Gonzalez seriously before, in fact, I’ve never taken much notice of him before, to me he was just another tiny fragment in the crumbling structure of politics in our country, just an old man sitting in a chair throwing out comments. He just seemed the kind of guy that you can’t take seriously, because of that comical feel to him. Heck, if I didn’t know any better, I would have said that Malacañang picked him right out of a TV sitcom. But with his recent statements, I think he just went overboard.

First of all, I’d like to ask: what the heck does the Department of Justice have to do with U.P.? More so, what does DOJ have to do with the budget allotment? So, why is the Justice Undersecretary spurring out equivocal statements on topics he has nothing to do with? He didn’t even attend the University!

Okay, some students are critical of the current administration, and most of them voice out these sentiments through the school papers, militant groups, and rallies, all perfectly legal as stated in the bill of rights. But is this enough basis to label them as destabilizers that haunt the country year after year, and insult their Alma Mater by lambasting it and calling it a breeding ground for militants and nudists?

The judicial system of our country is obviously flawed, sadly overshadowed by the current flow of politics, and unjustly ignored by a man who thinks that his title “Justice Undersecretary” is synonymous to “National Clown Commentator”. The DOJ sure deals with the courts of this country, but without doubt none of those can be considered as a King’s Royal Court, and obviously the last thing we need is a Jester, and most certainly neither do we need a clown wasting the time and coffers of our country on his publicity stints.

thrown by A.Paul @ 22:33,


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